To keep a fast loading website, you should have a plain and well crafted backend code. Inside the Site Control Panel, you will find a number of instruments that may help you improve your web site’s efficiency without the need to modify anything inside the code. The Web Site Acceleration Tools – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish will not only aid you to offer faster loading rates to your website visitors and consequently lower site exit volumes, but will also drive your web site higher in the search engine results.

To make use of the Web Site Acceleration Tools, just sign into your Site Control Panel and make an instance for the one you want.


RAM–saving instead of database requests

Should you have a busy database–powered web site or application, it might have issues running swiftly for the website visitors because of the many different queries delivered to the database. To let you fix the page streaming trouble, we have provided the Memcached system inside the Site Control Panel.

Memcached is a strong memory–based object store, which saves data as well as objects in the server’s RAM in order to avoid the database from being asked each time a customer opens up a selected page. This way, your site pages will load quicker for visitors and will boost the opportunity for them to come back.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–storing rather than HTTP requests

There are multiple approaches to increase the speed of a website, but the majority of these require a designer to reword the back–end code. Fortunately, there are more simple solutions for speeding up a website, much like the Varnish website accelerator program incorporated into our Site Control Panel.

Varnish is a caching HTTP reverse proxy, which saves HTTP queries inside the RAM and returns them to the visitor rather than waiting for the hosting server to send them. Trials demonstrate that applying Varnish on a site as well as a web app commonly quickens website loading times with a 300 – 1000x factor. Varnish can be set up how to handle arriving calls – whether they must be processed by Varnish, by the hosting server, etcetera.

Hepsia File Manager


For the purpose of establishing quick and also flexible web apps

Web programmers may use Node.js for developing a variety of powerful and economical tools like business statistics, real time applications and website CMS, only to mention a few. It truly is fast and adaptable and is powered by an enthusiastic community that is consistently enhancing and sustaining it.

Node.js is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also uses an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that renders its API accommodating and extensible. This impressive system helps web developers to rapidly build top quality applications using only one language.

Hepsia File Manager